Honest yet harsh, detailed yet disregarding, the worth we place on ourselves is one of the most complex evaluations we will ever receive. Despite the incredible blessings that we have, we regularly underestimate our self-worth. Too easily we forget where we’ve journeyed from, if we are not where we would like to be. Too easily we forget how we rose to the occasion, or weathered the storm. Time romanticizes the struggle, plays down the progress, and skews our perception of past success. We comprise our worth from the scraps of our memory, the treatment from others and the comparison of our circumstances. In other words, we often base our self-worth on things we largely cannot control, when in truth we have the authority to determine how we value ourselves.
Our self-worth is determined by who we fundamentally believe we are
So who are you? What is it based on?
If you’ve been maltreated in any capacity, it’s easy to use that as a reference point for your worth. However, despite the discouraging, critical and sheer abusive behavior others can dish out, it doesn’t determine who you are as a person. Even on the other end of the spectrum, loving and accepting behavior cannot be relied upon. If love and acceptance ever ceases, your heart may be broken, you may feel rejected, but your worth should not be waivered. Our sufficiency simply cannot come from other people. Knowing your worth is based on knowing who you are, and knowing who you are is the most important ongoing lesson you will learn.
So who are you? What is it based on?
Comparison is an age-old problem. Before the Internet, many people were just “keeping up with the Jones’”. Now, many are keeping up with the 500 people they follow on Instagram. It’s easy to be discouraged by the “highlight reels” of others, when you know your own “behind the scenes”. We have to constantly remind ourselves that social media is a largely filtered and largely edited experience. Seeing is no longer believing – it’s often deceiving. Therefore evaluating our worth on the appearance or accomplishments of others is only misleading us unnecessarily. Even the most perfectly put-together person has challenges they hide from the world (and sometimes themselves). Know that your journey is valid, and no one or nothing compares to where you’ve had to journey from.
So who are you? What is it based on?
There is a fine line between contentment and complacency, but there is certainly a difference. Complacency stems from a place of fear – a fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone. Contentment stems from a place of gratitude – being thankful for where you’ve come from and where you are. To fully embrace your worth, you have to be content and not complacent. You have to know that you are already worthy and deserving of the purpose you have been created for. The good thing about self-worth is that it can be readily acquired. You are waiting to be discovered by you.
So who are you? What is it based on?
We all need reminding of our worth. As you come to understand your own, consider this:
- Begin with your foundation. For many of us, this may be our faith. For me, knowing myself has a lot to do with knowing God. Do you have a foundation? What does your foundation say about you?
- Practice gratitude. Gratitude is the easiest to way to identify your blessings and combat negative self-beliefs.
- Understanding your purpose and your passion is key to knowing yourself. Knowing yourself is key to knowing your worth.
- Commit to being courageous. Courage turns thoughts into actions. If you have a vision, follow it through. The understanding of our self-worth accumulates through success, failure and perseverance.
- Refuse to compare yourself with others. Appreciate their journey, but fall in love with your own.
- Accept that you will receive criticism and will not be liked by everyone. Find constructive ways to evaluate their opinion, with what you know to be true about yourself.
- Focus on progress and not perfection. Celebrate small victories and self-discovery.
- Be intentional about reminding yourself of your worth. Speak it, write it, post it – whatever works for you.
So who are you?
Monday Motivation Written by Faith Cole
Thank you so much. I enjoyed this.
A wake up to my worth…
We are glad you liked it 🙂
This was inspiring and definitely in line with a lot that I have been thinking, writing, feeling and sharing lately so thank you for speaking out and confirming!
I agree with Joy’s comment above – this is in line with my thought process of late. Thank you for sharing and thus reminding me that so many of us struggle with similar issues.