Namrata Kamdar, Confidence Coach: on starting a business in the pandemic and cultivating a mindset for success

namrata kamdar beauty startup

In today’s episode, I have a phenomenal individual, Tiwalola Ogunlesi, a globally recognised coach specialising in positive psychology, Master Neuro-linguistic Practitioner, international speaker and the founder of Confident and Killing It. Tiwa also recently launched the Confidence Academy, you can find out more information here.

Tiwa made the decision to go full time on her business in late 2019, three months before the pandemic took place. She had pitched to organisations, secured clients and also had three months worth of savings in case anything went wrong. Like many others, she had no clue the pandemic would come! and when it did, this wiped out her business — all her clients cancelled bookings and she had to start from scratch.

What do you do when something negative happens? What do you tell yourself? Naturally, our mind starts to feed us negative reasons why things will never get better. According to research, when something negative happens our mind’s default state is fear and we will need to rewire our mind’s response by telling our minds positive messages.

In this episode, Tiwa shares with me how she changed her story of being cancelled and out of business to being booked globally.

You can follow Tiwa on social: @Tiwalola @confidentandkillingit

How I Made it Happen is an independent podcast created and hosted by Elizabeth Ogabi and produced by Julie Banks.