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5 ways to handle going back to work after the holidays

Image: Lust for Life

Some of you most probably dragged yourself out of bed this morning, some were maybe ready for the New Year and leapt out of bed with energy (I promise I was the latter)

Going back to work after the holidays can seem like a drag especially if you spent the holidays partying, abroad in the sun or sleeping through it all. Either way, it’s time to say goodbye to the holidays and get tucked into work.

Below are some tips on how to get back into the swing of work after the holidays :

#1 Don’t book meetings on your first day back

This is literally like a big blow in the face, why would you do it to yourself? Instead, block out your calendar for some time to focus on planning out your week, catching up on the backlog of e-mails and scanning through high priority tasks that need urgent attention. This way you’ll be fully prepared for your meetings and feel much lighter mentally.

#2 Get rid of the distractions

Coming back to work needs your full undivided attention, in order for you to be focused and get things done quicker. You may need to switch your phone off and not sign into social media for the whole day. Mentally stay focused on work and not on your social media timeline, which is likely to give you memories of the holidays! and of course, we don’t need that on the first day back.

#3 Don’t work overtime

It’s likely that if you have a high-pressure job you tend to work overtime but in the first week back it’s advisable that you leave work on time to help you slowly transition. If you start off working late then you’ll be drained the following day and so the week will become a drag.

#4 Wear a killer outfit on the first day back

What does this have to do with work? Well, a killer outfit will not only boost your confidence but can also help improve your performance at work.

#5 Embrace it

Honestly, ladies, it’s totally fine not to be 100% on the first day back. Embrace the fact that you are having holiday blues and the first couple of days back may actually be a difficult transition.

Going back to work after a holiday does not have to be all doom and gloom, let us know how your first day back was in the comment section below.



Elizabeth is a Brands and Communications specialist with a passion to support females in reaching their full potential.

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