The phrase ‘Positive Vibes Only’ is a good thing to profess especially when unexpected events occur or tragedy takes place. But in the midst of storm, the next question possess itself; how do you guard yourself against negativity ?
Here are five ways you can guard yourself against Negativity.
Keep Good Company
Misery loves company. You may find that a few friends are also going through tough times right now and the EASIEST thing to do is to throw a pity party and complain about the situation. Instead, surround yourself with positive friends who have hope about what the future holds in spite of their present state. This will help you build a great support system to bond, cry and encourage one another.
The body’s natural stress reliever is exercise. Little amounts of exercise have a way of clearing your mind and energizing your body. It can also keep you in shape and boost your self-esteem. So what are you waiting for? This is an all in one remedy.
Fill the Vacuum
For every negative event happening around, look for ways to replace it with something positive. You can’t afford to leave the vacuum. Give Back. It could be your time, knowledge and expertise. When you volunteer, you are constantly reminded that things are not as bad as it appears.
Keep a Gratitude List
Listing out the positives that you’ve experienced in the past will help you to reflect on a lot of good things that happened. When you actively acknowledge what you are grateful for, you start a chain reaction of good things flooding in your direction. My friends and I usually play a simple game. We take turns saying what we are grateful for in a fast paced manner; “I’m grateful for ……..” without stopping, the slowest person drops out of the game until we have the last person standing then we do it all over again and have a good laugh in the process.
Keep Moving
Not just physically but mentally. Do what you always did. Accept whatever has happened but no matter the obstacles or situation, don’t stop making progress. It might be slow but it is better than none.
The more we practice how to guard ourselves against negativity, the stronger we become to face the next phase life throws at us whether good or bad.
I’d like to hear your stories of how you guard yourself against negativity and other practical steps you took.