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Have you ever wondered why it is a lot easier to remember bad incidents than good ones? I’m still puzzled by this. Once in a while, your mind just drifts into the terrible moments, and how a lot of things didn’t go according to plan. It even comes on the front burner once you are faced with more news of disappointment and you think “Oh not again!” “What’s wrong with me?” Then you begin to recount the avalanche of misfortune in your young life.

You are not alone.

Everyone has felt that way at some point in their life when they were at the lowest ebb of their lives, the only difference is that we usually don’t know when the other person is going through stuff or we are too busy with ours to even notice.

Remember we discussed how to guard against negativity and one of the points raised was to keep a gratitude list; hence the title of this post.

I believe that we can build a strong will to banish negativity from our lives when we remain grateful-all the time. A gratitude list is a powerful tool to accelerate to the next level. And here’s why you need one;

It Gives You a Lot to Be Thankful For

Imagine going through your list from January to the half of the year. Whoa. You will definitely have a lot to be grateful for. It doesn’t have to be financial but it could even be something intangible. For me, I almost got mugged twice in 2 months and I escaped unhurt! Of course, that’s something to be thankful for!

Restores Your Confidence

You won’t wallow in self-pity and despair when you remember the past and how you triumphed through several challenges. That you succeeded before gives you an assurance that everything will be ok. If things were that bad and you came out stronger, then you are confident that you will get right back in the game. Just Breathe.

It Keeps You Humble

Humility is a major ingredient for staying grounded. A gratitude list also reminds you of the successes you once wrote down now appear as small strides because you’d have progressed between that time and now but you will always remember how much you’ve grown.

It is expected that you should not be complacent on your achievements but you should aspire to be better and yearn for more goals to achieve and gratitude lists to fill.

Share your top 3 gratitude items in the comment section.

Tracy Oyekanmi

Tracy Oyekanmi

Tracy is a consummate Corporate Communications professional whose interests lie in Marketing Communications, Public Relations, Brand building, Strategy and Planning. She has had notable success with managing PR for various international companies in Nigeria. She loves to write, organize events and cook

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