Many of us find 101 ways to get out of something to do. Excuses are stalling tactics which halt your personal and professional development. I have come up with 10 excuses and my responses to each one which I hope you will find both amusing and insightful.
1. “I’m too busy”
There will always be something to do, so make time as it may allow you to be exposed to another opportunity
2. “I don’t have any money”
Manage your money a lot wiser then.
3. “I’m tired”
Get an early night or shot of caffeine in you and start powering through.
4. “I have to work late”
Do not be glued to your desk; great ideas can come from you meeting new people.
5. “I have to get up early”
Live a little and just have a lie in on the weekend!
6. “I will do it tomorrow”
What’s better than the here and now?
7. “I am not good enough”
Why are you not as good as the next person?
8. “It’s not for me”
Make it for you. Get out of your comfort zone and experiment a little.
9. “It’s a bit far for me”
Get on the bus, train or plane.
10. “I will do it next time”
What if this time is the best time?
All these excuses hold us back and plant little seeds of doubt in our heads which then begin to grow. If you make these excuses too often, others may not come to you in the future. So not only have you put up your own obstacles, you have actually blocked potential opportunities which will give you a chance to shine!
Having said this, on occasions some of these may not actually be excuses, you may actually be sick or tired and in those cases just rest your eyes and get ready for the next best thing that comes your way and grab it!
What’s your excuse?
I’ve been telling people these are just excuses for years. For 15 years I’ve run two businesses, and I’ve had time for three horses, and I’ve written 9 novels. When people ask when I sleep, I say I get 8+ hours every night. I just make every moment of every day count. This is a fantastic blog post!
So true, you can’t say you aren’t good enough. You are enough! Keep up the great work here and live unstoppable!